Ducklings and Dolphins:
These groups range from 3 months to two years where they focus on fun and playing in a learning and discovering environment.
The Ducklings room caters for children from the age of three months until they are walking steadily, around the age of fifteen months. The unit has its own changing area and small rubberised garden, which is covered so that it can be used all year round. The staff ratio is 1:3.
During the day the staff will stimulate the babies and encourage them onto their next stage of development by using a wide variety of rattles, activity centres and appropriate toys. For the more active children there will be sand and water play, painting activities, climbing frame, home corner and outdoor play. The children will also be introduced to books, songs and nursery rhymes.
It is important that staff build up a close relationship with the babies and their parents, to enable us to care for your child as you would want to yourself. Staff are always available to discuss your baby’s day, changes to routine and any problems that you might have.
“Parents are complementary about the setting, particularly about the staff and the ‘fantastic support’ they give to the children.” Ofsted report November 2011
The Dolphins room are aged from twelve months to two years, and have a ratio of 1:3. They have a large variety of equipment and play opportunities.
The dolphins enjoy story time, rhyme time and music sessions. These are usually group activities that help to build up concentration, language and confidence and are great fun.
Sand and water play is also great fun and this group get a tremendous amount of pleasure from this. They continue to develop their creative skills with paint, crayons and junk modelling – Picasso had to start somewhere – be prepared to admire your child’s masterpieces.
“Children’s independent skills are encouraged from a young age and they learn to appreciate other cultures because staff make effective use of displays, resources and activities to promote diversity.” Ofsted report November 2011
We would like to invite you to get to know our team a little bit, please click on the link below to view their profiles:
Ducklings and Dolphins Staff

For more information on the Ducklings and Dolphins groups, please call us today on 01744 411 261